For dogs susceptible to otitis.

Antibacterial Ear Drops for Dog.

Content: Chlorhexidinum digluconat 0,0045 g ; Excipiens ad 15,0000 ml

Mode of action: Otican has local antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkilling, cooling and deodorant effect on dogs. The protective effect of Otican in case of susceptibility to otitis is to be due to the optimal selection of its components: Chlorhexidine has proved antibacterial effect, the excipients have sedative, softening, cooling and anti-itching effect. In case of itching, restlessness, shaking the head, rubbing the ears with paws, reddening and pain on the ear flap the treatment with Otican protect from development of otitis externa and media.

Prescription: Without medical prescription. 


– breed susceptibility to otitis : dogs with long, hanging ears and with close hair in the ear canal (Cocker, Poodle, and other) or dogs with open ear canals (German Shepherd, Doberman, Boxer and other);
– retention of moistness (especially during hot summer days ) or retention of ear wax in the ear canal;
– after removal of ticks or awns from the ear canal;
– allergic otitis;
– seborrhea of the ear flap 

Dosage and method of administration: local, after very good cleaning of the auditory canals by tampons with hydrogen peroxide or Rivanol solution and drying.

The dosage depends from the size of the dog.

Lift the ear and drop inside on the lower part 10 – 20 drops. With another 5 – 10 drops touch the ear flap by a tampon. Repeat the treatment twice daily to achieve the wanted effect. During hot summer days at dogs with long hanging ears with close hair the treatment is three times daily.


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